Does this fruit look as good to you as a cheeseburger, fries, and sugary drink? They could. (I will go so far as to say that they should.) It’s all in how you see it. More specifically: It’s all in how you think about it (how you train your mind to see it).
God cares about what we eat as much as anything we do. If this was not so, why would He include dietary regulations in the Mosaic Law? He was not promoting a fruit & veggie stand; He was guiding His people in how to be healthy.
If God cares this much about what we eat, how much does He care about EVERYTHING that concerns our lives? The answer is more than we can imagine! Attention to this level of detail is throughout Scripture. We just fail to pay attention to it.
We have a tendency to separate health, politics, business, ethics, etc. from spirituality. We should not. Each aspect of our lives is part of a whole. Separate one and you damage the whole.
We just saw this in the election. “Oh, I’m a Christian. I’m not going to get involved in politics” was the excuse some proffered for not voting. Frankly, that is the precise reason we should! We’ll talk about that another day, however.
“I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds of the air and all the creatures that move on the ground–everything that has the breath of life in it–I give every green plant for food.” And it was so. God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning–the sixth day. (Gen 1:29-31 NIV)
Look at today’s Scripture passage. In the beginning, God made provision for us to eat. He created what we needed and put it within our reach … literally. This shows that He cares. Look at all the other ways God makes provision for us. It all matters to Him, and therefore, it should all matter to us.
Begin to change your thinking: Think about your life not as independent, stand-alone components but as each aspect and activity of your life connecting to all the rest, making up one whole being. Anything you do in one area affects another. For example:
A greasy cheeseburger, overly salty fries, sugar-laden drinks, and other “tasty” chemicals and preservatives included in the “meal” that an ad tempts you to consume will affect your spiritual life. How? It can degrade your health, affect your mental awareness, reduce your energy, affect your immunity, and interfere with other body systems.
As your overall health degrades, so do all the other systems of your body. And make no mistake: The condition of your body determines how well you function in your spirit. So, yes, the cheeseburger matters because it is all connected. This is why God spends time instructing us how to eat and why it matters.
Mental conditioning, probably through an ad, caused you to think you like it. The truth is, you were conditioned to like it. It, therefore, really is all in how you think about it. Apply this to the rest of your life. For example:
If you like the next president, lawmaker, or other official when they take office, pray for them. If you do not, pray for them. God’s instruction to us is the same either way because it’s not about what you or I want. It’s about what He knows is best.
We all see what anger, bitterness, division, control, greed, self-centeredness, and all the other bad things do to a nation–kind of like the greasy cheeseburger that looked so good in the ad but didn’t feel so good in the belly. It leaves us with a “Why did I eat that?” feeling. You know it? Sure you do.
Now, as a people, let’s try God’s way and trust Him to do what He needs to do–in us, for us, with us, through us, or in spite of us. Our way certainly didn’t work. Now, let’s try His. It’s all in how you think about it.
From ministry friend Randall Vaughn.
(c) 2024 Randall Vaughn • All Rights Reserved • http://www.e-min.org