Some encouraging letters we received in December from our listeners around the world:
Location: Unknown
Comments: I just happened to come across this web site. I just love it!! I had no idea you even existed. I slept with you music all night long from my laptop computer. I am on permanent disability. My Christian husband went back into the world. Your music really does comfort me as does Gods’ word. Nothing better to do than to worship my Lord all day long. God’s blessings to your ministry.
Location: Kamloops, British Columbia
Comments: A great station I’ve just started listening to you on iTunes. God bless all of you as you bless me and others.
Location: Alabama
Comments: I just want to sincerely thank you for making the most beautiful praise and worship music available online! Since the Holy Spirit directed my footsteps to your website yesterday after prayer, I have had you streaming into my office all the time! I just love your choice of music, it is such a blessing to me! Thank you and may the Lord Bless you with more of Himself!
Location: Nigeria
Comments: Greetings and congratulations to you all! You are the John the Baptist of the day. May the sagacious God empower you for His glory.
Location: California
Comments: Comments: I’ve been listening to your Praise & Worship music for the past two evenings and it is wonderful! I listened to it while doing my chores and after about two hours I’m ready to go to sleep. What a wonderful way to wind down after a busy day! You have the best mix of Praise and Worship songs. Keep it up!