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Drink Plenty of Water
Drink Plenty of Water

I've heard it. I've read it.

As long as I have been running, it's always been the same message: "drink plenty of water."

All along most race courses are water stations, and most runners slow down to drink a cup of cool water. Keeping your water level up is critical when you run.

If you get slightly dehydrated, you will not run well.

If you get moderately dehydrated, you will become disoriented.

If you get seriously dehydrated, you can die.

It's serious business.

The first year I ran, I was inexperienced (also younger, slimmer, stupider, etc.) I passed water stop after water stop, occasionally drinking a swallow or two. I felt good, and I wasn't going to waste precious seconds drinking water, even though it was a hot, humid day.

Big mistake.

As I neared the final mile, I "hit the wall." My energy level dropped to zero, I began having to walk some, and I realized I would have to work hard just to finish. I did make it across the line, but only with a tremendous headache and hardly enough energy to walk. It was not much fun.

I learned an important lesson that year.

Stopping for water doesn't actually slow you down. In fact, you will run a better race if you do drink water. The bottom line is that your body is simply not designed to function without water.

In the same way, your spiritual stamina depends on stopping for regular drinks of "spiritual water."

The dilemma for busy people is...

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Broadcasting Free Christian Music to the World!
Retro microphone in the old studio

We are so blessed to be able to broadcast Christian worship music around the world. We thank you for allowing us to do this as we celebrate our 12-year anniversary! Everyone connected with is very humbled to be part of this ministry. We realize this accomplishment has nothing to do with us. It has everything to do with God and His awesome power. We can see God’s hands guiding this ministry at every decision point, even before AllWorship began. Here is the story of how AllWorship came to be in 2004.

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Letters From Our Listeners–April 2016
Letters From Our Listeners–April 2016

Some encouraging emails we received in April from our listeners around the world:

Location: Ontario, Canada
Comments: I really appreciate this station--it keeps me calm and focused throughout the day no matter what I'm doing! So wonderful to be bathed in worship all day long, even when surrounded by the secular world. Keep up the great work!

Location: United States
Comments: AllWorship continues to be a blessing in my life; I listen daily. When I first found the station last April I was awaiting a cancer diagnosis. A particular song really ministered to me---God Of The Ages. It was a word in due season. Have a blessed day!

Location: Unknown
Comments: Our home is filled with much of what God has for us. The variety of music AllWorship has supplied our home has been such a blessing. Setting an atmosphere of praise is a must for us. Making sure Jesus stays on the throne of our hearts is the essential thing! Thank you!

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AllWorship Weekly CD Winner

Each week, we give away a Christian worship CD to one random AllWorship subscriber. This week's winner is Greg F. Congratulations!