One day, four blind men came into contact with an elephant for the very first time.
The first blind man grabbed the elephant’s trunk. “An elephant is long, thin and flexible”, he said.
“You are wrong”, declared his friend, who had hold of the elephant’s leg. “It is tall and solid like a tree trunk. I can’t put my arms around the elephant.”
“What are you two talking about?” asked the third blind man, who was feeling the elephant’s side. “An elephant is large and flat and very hard. An elephant is like a wall.”
“You are all wrong!” cried the blind man who had grabbed the elephant’s tail. “An elephant is like a piece of rope. I can hold it in one hand.”
The four blind men continued to argue about the elephant. They did not realize that all of them were right, yet all of them were wrong. They did not know that they each had only part of the picture, not the whole.
How often have we all had similar experiences in our own lives? We’ve all been in arguments in which the participants had only part of the truth. We’ve all been in discussions in which each person was convinced that he or she had the full picture when in fact nobody did.
Without openness and listening to the other blind men, the one who held the elephant’s trunk would have been convinced that the trunk was the whole elephant and that this was all there was to know about an elephant. The man who held the elephant’s leg would have had just as limited an understanding.
When someone holds on to his or her own point of view and is determined not to listen to others, we describe that person as pig-headed.
When a pig wants to do something, nothing will divert it from its intentions. To act like a pig is not to act as a human being. It’s not acting courteously, for a start. To act like a pig means to push other people with their thoughts and ideas to one side. It means to be selfish and greedy. It means to ignore the fact that other people also have a right to their own point of view. It means to be even blinder than the four blind men who met the elephant.
How do I approach life? Am I like one of the blind men? Am I like a pig?
What do I have to do in order to become more human, more like Jesus?
Can I be more open to other people? Can I be less greedy? Can I become a listener to others’ needs and ideas?
Lord, sometimes I am blind. Sometimes I am pig-headed and like to hold on to my own ideas. Help me, Lord, to be open to the thoughts and ideas of others. Help me to be more human, more like you, in the way in which I deal with other people today. Amen.
This story is demeaning to blind people. Any intelligent blind person would walk around the entire elephant, feeling every part… within reason and boundaries of safety and decency, of course. Also, it omits the most obvious parallel to a couple of ways humans experience both God and an elephant: as a powerful, destructive force that can crush you, and as a gentle, strong protector who can carry you.
But… such are the limitations of contrived stories… and of mere men trying to explain The Infinite.
Perhaps if we could learn to be less pig-headed there would be more unity in the body of Christ. Imagine, al of us working together…..
Nice message mucho needed. Thanks!
very true and at tiimes yiu find out that the other person’s ideas combined with yours are more profitable and make more sense
I love all the music that you played everyday especially when I am in the office surrounded with non-believers in the GULF country of Kuwait. I love your story shared today. Its true that we sometimes close to other people’s opinion and became legalistic, self-centered type of person.
Praise God that His Word is our standard in sll our daily living.
Keep up the good work and stay blessed,
Bing from the State of Kuwait
Interesting colum