Have you ever heard the story of the man who slipped off the edge of a cliff and was desperately hanging on to a rope to keep from falling?

The man screamed at the top of his voice, “Is there anyone there who can help me?”

A calm, reassuring voice answered back, “It is the Lord.  Let go of the rope.”

The man thought about it for a moment, looked down to see how far he would fall.  Then he yelled out again even louder, “Is there anyone else there who can help me?”

Have you ever been at a place in your life where you felt the Lord was telling you to let go of the rope, but all you could see was how things looked from a logical, human perspective?  I know I have, and I was really tempted to ask for a second opinion like the man in the joke.

Everything about our human nature wants to see it first and then respond based on what we see.  We want to see it then believe it.  We want to know where we are going before we agree to start the trip. That is our human nature.  And it flies in the face of what God calls us to do and who God calls us to be.

Look at the heroes of the faith and you will see people who believed it before they saw it.  You will see people who went when God said ‘go’ even though they didn’t know where they were going or what it would be like when they got there.  You will see people who walked by faith and not by sight.

When Jesus appeared to the disciples after His resurrection, He allowed and encouraged Thomas to experience what he had said he needed to see to believe that Jesus was alive.  Thomas physically saw and felt the wounds in Jesus’ hands, feet and side.  When he did so, Thomas fell down on His face and declared, “My Lord and My God!”  Jesus responded by saying, “Thomas, you believe because you have seen.  Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe.”

The writer of the book of Hebrews tells us that faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1).  The New International Version translates that verse this way: “Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.”

Far too often, I find myself walking only by sight.  But I know it is those times when I step out into the darkness in obedience to God’s call that He blesses me, and grows me, and stretches me.

What is God calling you to do that will require you to step into the darkness?

–by Rev. Alan Riley

8 Responses to The End of the Rope

  1. Phillip says:

    Jesus is my life saviour..When I am too tired to swim He lifts me up to the boat..or just parts the water so that I can rest. Thank you Jesus! Thank you Lord.

  2. Yeboah says:

    Wow what an incredible message delivered by the Holy Spirit through his Servant. I feel much more motivated and encouraged by this message to venture into the known to pursue any dream God has laid on my heart to acomplish. Often times we find ourselves in a state of emergency , stress and panic because we see ourselves as the sole engineers of our own lives trying to make everything happen within our own abilities for getting that There is someone who has a better insight, knowledge and understanding pertaining everything in life. He knows the end result of everything. You may not be too foolish as your human nature prevents you to committ all your ways to him. He has promised he will never leave us but be with us to the very end. He appreciates it when we come to him with all our fears and uncertainties. Let us approach him always with boldness and confidence because he is a father who cares and wants us thrive in everything we do.

  3. Richard says:

    Thank you so Allworship.com for your wonderful publications. i enjoy every one it and i find them every encouraging. I am coordinating a prayer Evangelism in my church, Please i would like to receive an article on that. it will really be helpful to me.

    Thank you and God Bless.

  4. Tamba says:

    Thank you for such an inspiring and timely message. I wish I would have been able to read he email completely on my phone as it used to be without the link to read more. At present, I can only read just the bit on email because the link would not open the complete message despite having a recent android phone. I would be grateful if you could go back to the simply format it was. Thank you and remain blessed in the vineyard of the most Holy Lord God Almighty Jehovah our Father, amen.

  5. Wole says:

    This is very inspiring message unto everyone that has faith and empowered by the holy spirit to put such faith to work because faith without work is vain. To let go of the rope requires a tested faith that has reached a point that nothing else contrary matters no more to such people because they have learned to be totally submissive and obedient at His word. It is not by power or by physical strength or wisdom or knowledge or understanding one has acquired in life but it is by the grace of God that no one should boast of. I pray that every reader of this message will be touched by the power of the holy spirit to let go of the rope when the Lord says so regardless of all contrary objections that may be contesting with our willingness to put the faith to work in Jesus name. Stay blessed.

  6. inthenameofGod says:


  7. Joel Canders says:

    The message is truly speaking to me! I’m in a situation, & I’m scared. I have been in a shelter for a little over a year. I have been blessed with a job. I met a christian female at my church, & desire to marry her after being divorced for 4 years. I don’t have my own place, & have been sceptical of really looking. I’ve looked at some places, but nothing has opened for me. I guess I’m still fearing the unknown. In need of some encouragement…better yet…just need to let go of the rope! Help!

    • nameless angel says:

      Be encouraged Joel, God is with you… I pray your situation will definitely be better. Just continue to keep god first and I promise things will change for you, trust me I speak from experience young man of god.

      God bless!

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