“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)
A shoe manufacturer decided to open his business to the Congo market and sent a salesman to the underdeveloped country.
The salesman wrote, “Prospect here nil. No one wears shoes.”
The manufacturer wrote back, “Market potential terrific! Everyone is barefooted.”
At times, all we see is our faults and failures, and we convince ourselves the prospect of our spiritual success is nil.
Fortunately, we have a God who sees not only our past and present sins and mistakes; but He also sees our hopeful future, that one day we will be finally renewed and eternally with Him!
He has the ability to see the big picture and understand that our earthly struggles with our human nature will end once and for all when He returns for us. If we would keep that in the forefront of our mind, we might never lose hope.
We cannot let the enemy constantly remind us of our failures and convince us that our shortcomings define who we are.
Instead, we have to meditate on God’s Word, allowing Him to renew our hope that one day we will be like Him.
by David Jeremiah
Thank you for such a wonderful reminder. It is true that, at times, we forget that Christ died for all our sins.
I also forget that Jesus gave me the power to conquer (1 John 4:4). I become like Eve, and allow the devil to play with me.
But I’m glad I got this email just at the right time. When the devil reminds me of my past, I need to re-assure him of the future.
God has plan and I claim in the name of Jesus Christ that my son got the job he applied for.
This is a beautiful piece of how we should always think, act and see our tomorrow with our spiritual mind, rather than our flesh! This is only possible by feeding and developing the valuable Fruits of the Spirit taught us in Ephesians. Having faith, trust and hope in God, whom with, All things are possible is the only way to our survival and success!
More so, this piece mentioned about not allowing our faults and mistakes to define us. The best way forward on this too, is to repent and STOP those faults and mistakes, so that our tomorrow becomes defined by our new self – God has already taught us to pray “Give me a clean and pure heart, and renew the Spirit within me!”
By ourselves, we can’t change, nor can we be transformed in the Spirit without going back humbly and obediently to God and pleading for His GRACE and the Holy Spirit to empower and enable us be more like Jesus Christ.
my hope is build on nothing less then the blood of JESUS CHRIST.For one thing is sure which is death, for it willingly comes when it will come.please know it that the LORD is looking forward to giving you everlasting hope of life here after .please GOOD THINGS are awaiting you over there in HEAVEN at last .thanks for showing me all that the LORD has for his children .
AMEN! We need to look ahead to the BIG PRIZE, LIVING WITH GOD, JESUS!