Then Moses went up into the mountain, and a cloud covered the mountain. The glory of the LORD abode on Mount Sinai, and the cloud covered it six days; and on the seventh day He call to Moses out of the midst of the cloud. The sight of the glory of the LORD was like a consuming fire on the top of the mountain in the eyes of the children of Israel. And Moses went into the midst of the cloud as he went up into the mountain; and Moses was on the mountain forty days and forty nights. Exodus 24:15-18

Patience is one of those things that is so hard to learn. So hard to practice faithfully in our daily walk.

It’s one of of those things I truly wish we didn’t have to learn, but God requires it of us.

As I was reading through this passage again in Exodus, it dawned on me that Moses sat on the mountain for six entire days before the Lord spoke to him.

He had to patiently wait for the Lord for six days!

So often we think we can just do as we please with our lives and then come running to God for a few minutes of prayer and get an answer right away but I don’t believe it is always that simple.

Even Moses needed to be prepared for six full days in order to be able experience the awesome presence of the Lord!

If Moses had to wait six days, then it should not surprise us if we need to wait 60 days, 60 months or even 60 years for the Lord to prepare us to receive His blessing.

Be encouraged! The Lord is preparing us for great things.

Continue to spend time seeking Him and worshiping Him. Keep waiting at His feet. He will meet us!

–by George Whitten

4 Responses to Just Wait

  1. Helen O says:

    Thank you for this beautiful piece of encouragement.
    I struggle so much with waiting and really feel frustrated each time I feel God is still asking me to wait.
    Most times I wait grudgingly because I have no choice if I really want God’s way.
    I really wish patience is just impacted and not learned.

  2. Gelana Fayera says:

    This message is for me, God bless you

  3. Maria Angeles-Taveras says:


  4. Mike Shepherd says:

    Funny… when I clicked on reading the rest of the email my computer took about 15 seconds to download the rest of the article. Waiting, I closed my eyes and worshiped the Lord. When I opened my eyes the article appeared and so did the words “just wait”. I had to chuckle at myself seeing how impatient I am. Thank you for reminding me that his timing is perfect and so is his unfailing love.

    thank you for your ministry!

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