We all know the world is in turmoil because of the Coronavirus outbreak.
Many people are under mandatory stay-at-home rules. Many are afraid they will be infected.
You may have fear right now. Am I going to get sick? I’m sick now, do I have Covid-19?
While it is a serious illness, we serve a seriously powerful God. This pandemic is no surprise to Him.
You can have peace in these difficult times by leaning on the Lord. Meditate on His Word. He can use you during this health crisis.
God opened the door for my good friend recently to share His love with a group of people who were discussing the virus and were terribly afraid, but they noticed that she wasn’t afraid. That’s because of Jesus, and it gave her an opportunity to share her faith.
2 Timothy 1:7 says: For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline.
He has given us power, and Ephesians 1:19-20 tells us that power is the same power that raised Christ from the dead!
Use that God-given power and the love behind it, to share His love with others. Illness infects people, but you can affect people with your how you live your life and how you help others and speak to others.
By spending time with someone who is sick (no matter what it is), you take the chance of getting infected yourself.
Spending too much time with unbelievers in their sin can infect you, but you don’t have to be infected by their sin. You can affect them with your life.
Jesus Himself spent time with ungodly people, and He changed their lives.
Even though we are in a place today where some of us are under stay-at-home rules, you can still minister to people.
You can Facetime, Skype, or Zoom. Make phone calls.
Take a walk in your neighborhood (staying at least 6 feet away) and love on people.
Do whatever you can to help those in need and to share the love of God.
And always remember, every day is a blessing and God is always good.
–Pam Rehbein
Very encouraging and reassuring message. Thanks you…… All Worship.
Very encouraging. Blessings. I love All Worship.
Very encouraging article! Thanks