AllWorship.com reached a major milestone this month. We’ve now been broadcasting on the Internet for 10 years.
We fully realize that this accomplishment has nothing to do with us and our abilities. It has everything to do with God and His awesome power. We can see God’s hands guiding this ministry at every decision point, even before AllWorship began.
AllWorship was a dream that actually grew out of the closing of an Alabama FM radio station. Reality 101 (WRRS) was a 100,000-watt FM station in Birmingham that played Christian music. The station began in November 1998 and quickly developed an extremely loyal following of listeners throughout the state. The station was more than a business to everyone involved. It was a ministry, a way to spread the gospel through Christian music. Any profits would be donated to other Christian charities.
But the station was financed by a group of individuals, not a large conglomerate. They had put their houses and businesses up as collateral to finance this music ministry. The station cost over $1 million dollars a year to operate, and it struggled from the outset because of this financial burden.
After two years, the realities of the radio business forced the individuals to sell the station, or else they would lose their homes and businesses. The founders grieved over their loss. They all wondered why God hadn’t financially blessed this seemingly-pure endeavor.
Little did they know that He had a bigger plan and the radio station would rise again in a way they never imagined—bigger and much better than ever.
Since they loved providing worship music to people, they started a radio station exclusively on the Internet. In March of 2004, they took a small amount of seed money and began to spread the word among their former listeners that a spin-off of the FM station was now available online. The new station had no commercials and was absolutely free to listen.
The new Internet station could be run for less than $6,000 per month, a fraction of the cost of the terrestrial station.
The word spread quickly. In fact, it spread all over the world.
That little Internet station called AllWorship.com is now heard in over 200 countries around the globe nearly every day. It is providing music to missionaries in parts of the world where there are no other Christian stations and, in some cases, no churches. There have been millions and millions of stream hits since we started. Our weekly Inspirational e-mail now reaches over 22,000 subscribers.
God is amazing—we were originally thinking locally, He was thinking globally. God led us down a somewhat painful path to make us see a better way—His way.
Throughout these 10 years of broadcasting, there have been countless instances where God’s hand has guided the ministry. Please allow us to share this story.
It was January 2006 when we thought we were at the end of our financial rope. We have always been totally listener supported and we were down to the last $1,000 in our checking account. But we were staring at bills totaling $4,200 that were due in a week. We had vowed from the beginning that we would broadcast AllWorship as long as God allowed us that opportunity and we would do so with 100% commitment and effort. We thought this must be the end. We went to the mailbox that week, and there was only one envelope—not a good sign when you’re broke. But in that envelope was a note from a ministry in Hawaii that was closing its doors. The note said they had listened to AllWorship every day since we went on the air and our music filled their office with joy. They felt it was only right to give us the remaining amount of their capital. Enclosed was a check for $3,278. Just enough to pay all of our bills and keep us on the air.
We have no idea how long God will allow us to do His work through AllWorship.com. This is His station and we give the glory to Him for allowing us to be part of it for 10 years. And counting.
Thank you for being part of our ministry and your financial support. You bless us with your notes and your encouragement. Feel free to write us anytime at [email protected]